A beautiful pair of Carbon stars in Lyra

Last night it was beautifully clear and Moonless and was probably one of the best imaging runs I’ve ever had.  Apart from the highly anti-social hours of course as I couldn’t start imaging much before 11:00 p.m. which meant shutting up shop around 2:00 a.m. more from tiredness than practical necessity.  Anyway, grumbling aside, I decided to go for a pair of Carbon stars which lie just to the west of the recently imaged Stephenson 1 open cluster.  Incredibly the Carbon star on the right in this image  has a B-V index of 5.16 – absolutely incredible!

I have now fitted the Canon 5D MkII to the top of the array so if we get yet another clear night tonight (that will be something like 5 or 6 in a row) then I’ll go for another ultra-wide-field with the 100mm macro lens.

The best laid plans of mice and men 🙂


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