As promised on 24th June 2024 – here is an image that took me 10-years in the making. This is the whole of Corona Borealis, with the inverse-nova Carbon star R Coronae Borealis putting in a VERY bright appearance. Imaging at this time of year means imaging in astronomical twilight as we have no hours of darkness, and this brings its own problems. However, in the early hours of 24th June 2024 I managed to get the 3rd and final frame of this 3-frame mosaic. Each frame was 20 x 10-minute subs meaning this was a 10-hour image in total. Imaging carried out with the 2 x Canon 200mm prime lenses (Canon don’t make this lens anymore!) and the 2 x ASI 2600MC Pro CMOS cameras with UV/IR cut filters.
So pleased this project has finally come to an end, and very pleased with the final result as well.
I can now concentrate on getting the other small constellations I want to capture with the 200mm lenses.