The God Question

Has actually been answered by Bertrand Russell.

If you have seen my past ramblings on this subject then you will have read that I concluded that God would exist if the Absolute Infinite existed, and I left it there. I left it there because I didn’t have a clue (or so I thought) whether the Absolute Infinite existed or not, and then, just a few days ago, the Russell Paradox came to mind.

Russell showed that there is no set of all sets. Oops. I knew this from my Uni days back in 1975 but thought no more about it. But thinking on it some 50 years later I think Russell has actually provided the answer to the BIG question.

If there is no set of all sets (Russell)

Then there is no Absolute Infinite

Then God does not exist (Cantor)

I believe that Godel “proved” that God DID exist by some logical argument. It’s a shame that he did not use a mathematical argument instead or he might just have come up with a different answer.

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