If you are a reader of The Express then you might have seen a half page article on page 23 of Bank Holida Monday’s Express. Ok, so the picture doesn’t do me any favours [thanks for the suggestions about supporting garments Noel!].
Tom Price wrote the article and he suggested the highlights: it is amazing what you can achieve from your garden [and we are really pleased with the results we are getting] and anyone can do this with very basic kit and a bit of patience.
However, Tom obviously got some of the information from an earlier interview I did with the Daily Mail. The main problem I have with the article is that he mentions the amount of £10,000! Well, yeah, I probably have spent just under that amount over the last three years but that covers just about everything over that period.
The value of the equipment that I use is not particularily high. In fact, I think one of the most expensive items was the concrete base to bolt the telescope onto!
As most of you know, you can spend just about any amount you like on the equipment but in reality you can start getting great images with relatively low cost gear. We will be posting some “getting started” articles in the near future so make sure you keep an eye out for those. Also, we cover how to set up and take images like ours in the book “Making Beautiful Deep-Sky Images”.
The picture in the article is one of our images of M31 – The Andromeda Galaxy [shown here because it is a great picture!]