Category Archives: Exhibitions

Purchase a High-Quality Print of Any Image You Can See on the New Forest Observatory Website

With the acquisition of the new HP T230 4-colour printer, I am once again able to offer prints of ANY image you see on the NFO site. Print sizes available are A4, A3, A2 with a maximum of A1. Prints … Continue reading

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Star Vistas exhibition now ended at the PhotoGallery Bristol.

Just done a lightning round trip to Bristol to pick up the Star Vistas images from the PhotoGallery.  Many thanks to Jamie and team for organising this one.  They had a book full of visitors over the exhibition opening period from 22nd … Continue reading

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Perpetuum mobile – Indistinguishable from Magic :)

I was in Bristol yesterday opening the Star Vistas Exhibition at the Photo Gallery on Baldwin Street.  Just round the corner, up a flight of stone steps, is THE most amazing market I have been to in a very long … Continue reading

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The Photo Gallery Bristol – tomorrow – final reminder

Just to remind you that the Star Vistas deep-sky images Exhibition opens at the Photo Gallery in Bristol tomorrow evening.  I will give a PowerPoint presentation on the work carried out at the New Forest Observatory over the past 6 … Continue reading

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Star Vistas – the Exhibition – the Photo Gallery, Bristol

After a very succesful Exhibition of the Star Vistas images at the ArtSway gallery – Star Vistas will now be showing at the Photo Gallery in Bristol from October 23rd until November 3rd 2010.  There will be a Preview and … Continue reading

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Exhibition at ArtSway

The Exhibition opening went extremely well last night with standing room only for my presentation on “The Magic of Photography”.  The Exhibition runs over the weekend, and then the next chance to see the images and hear a (different) presentation … Continue reading

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Last reminder before the big day – Star Vistas Exhibition Friday 3rd September 6:00p.m.

Last reminder before the big day – the Star Vistas Private Viewing at the ArtSway gallery opens at 6:00 p.m. on Friday 3rd September.  If you cannot make it on opening night, the Exhibition runs over the weekend.  At 7:00 … Continue reading

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“The work is the statement” – Brian Duffy – 1933-2010:

I just saw a very inspirational programme about Brian Duffy (a famous professional photographer) on BBC’s IPlayer.  Clearly Brian (who unfortunately died earlier this year) was a very bright man and his answers to the inane questions from the interviewer … Continue reading

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Just one month to go!

Just a reminder that the Star Vistas Exhibition at the ArtSway gallery is now just one month off – put it in your diary now if you want to see the latest and best images from the New Forest Observatory.

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Star Vistas – another (possible) Exhibition, Bristol area October 2010

There is an on-going discussion at present that may result in another Star Vistas Exhibition of deep-sky images – plus a talk on deep-sky imaging – but this time in the Bristol area.  If you are unable to make it … Continue reading

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