Category Archives: News

Purchase a High-Quality Print of Any Image You Can See on the New Forest Observatory Website

With the acquisition of the new HP T230 4-colour printer, I am once again able to offer prints of ANY image you see on the NFO site. Print sizes available are A4, A3, A2 with a maximum of A1. Prints … Continue reading

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Sunspots This Morning 09:50

Best group of Sunspots I’ve seen in years. Projection method. No wonder the aurora is so good right now 🙂  I have no idea why the preview looks like that – click on the image to see what it should … Continue reading

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First Clear Night in Weeks.

A couple of nights back we had the first clear night in many weeks. This is such a rare event it deserves an entry all of its own. So, starting at 7 p.m. I began work on setting up the … Continue reading

Posted in mini-WASP Array, News | Leave a comment

A Maths Problem for You

Here’s a simple little maths problem for you to look at, if you like that sort of thing. For what value of x does the following equation hold true? x^n + 2.x^n+1 = x^n+3 Where x^3 is x cubed.

Posted in News, Projects | 10 Comments

The Full Stellar Spectral Classification

Kemble’s Cascade alone has R N and S-type stars in the frame. In case the labelling on the image itself doesn’t come out too well, the TOP labelled star is BD Camelopardalis S-type, the MIDDLE star is V Camelopardalis N-type, … Continue reading

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The Golden Solid Angle

I made a typo on the original, so here’s the typo fixed: 

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MiniWASP Statrep

For some totally unknown reason I don’t think I’ve published the latest (stable?) incarnation of the MiniWASP array. So here it is! The lower section of the MiniWASP (the black Aluminium box housing) contains 3 x Sky90s and top right … Continue reading

Posted in 200mm lens and ASI 2600MC-Pro camera, Canon 200mm prime lens, News, Sky 90 and SXVF-M26C | Leave a comment

Life on Earth

Earth was created about 4.5 billion years ago, first life appeared about 4 billion years ago. So as soon as Earth was cool enough for complex life molecules to assemble, there they were, complete and ready to go. Now fast … Continue reading

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The Origin of Life

Now here’s the problem – and I think it’s a real biggy. I asked a while back if there were any double helical molecules anybody knew of that were NOT associated with life. Looks to me like there aren’t any, … Continue reading

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The Transitory Nature of “Race”

I am currently reading Christopher Hitchens’ book “God is Not Great” and it brought to my attention something I had completely missed when I wrote about the fallacy of “Race”.   As I said in an earlier post, if we … Continue reading

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