I took a look at the star map to see if there were any nicely coloured pairs of stars in close proximity to one another. The “super Albireo” pair of Algol and Rho Persei stood out like a sore thumb, so last night (as it was apparently clear) I had a go at imaging this area. Well – it wasn’t so clear after all, and what I thought was going to be a brilliant dataset of 55 4-minute subs got whittled right down to just 27-subs due to cloud – hence the well-known saying don’t count your subs ………..
Anyway, some poor processing on 108-minutes of data by yours truly (Noel is taking a well-earned break out in the wilds) gives the result below. There’s a few galaxies in this one, several of them very close to Algol!
See a bigger version on my Flickr site 🙂