The New Forest Observatory “Deep-Sky Image of the Week”

I shall be posting deep-sky images sent in by dedicated amateur imagers (Worldwide) early on a Monday morning.  Well I won’t do it personally in real time, I’ll write it up beforehand and schedule it 🙂  The very first image has already been chosen and will make an appearance on Monday October 3rd 2011.  Send in your best images to I can assure you that there are no vested interests and no politics to get in the way of getting your work shown on this site – so why not give it a try?  The only requirement is that it is your work taken on your own equipment and that you are an amateur.  The images are only shown at 1024 pixels on the largest edge on the NFO site.  However, if you provide a larger image I can provide a link to it and host it on my Flickr site (but only if you state that you would like me to do this).  Please don’t send through mega-sized images!  Try to keep the jpeg file size below 5 Megs please.  That’s about all – clear skies and happy imaging to you all 🙂

If there is sufficient interest shown I will post your images more frequently.

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