It was a clear night last night (although the seeing was very poor) and it allowed me to iron out the last few bugs that were plaguing me with the mini-WASP array. Only got some short exposure times, but now that everything seems to be working I can now start concentrating on getting good data from deep-sky objects. This image of the California nebula is only 9 subs at 10-minutes per sub, so a measly hour and a half when I normally take around 8-hours of data for a Sky 90 with an APS sized one-shot colour CCD. Still – an hour and a half shows the potential of the mini-WASP array, and gives a good idea of what we might expect with a full 8-hours on the object.
Once I am happy at letting the mini-WASP run itself (auto dome rotator and camera synch software running) then I will get the C11/Hyperstar III up and running to really up the anti on getting the data down in short order. As per usual – all I need now is for the weather to start cooperating!