Took this test image of the Vega region using both Sky 90s and both M26C cameras on the mini-WASP array. One camera is not as well set up (collimation, chip flatness) as the other, but I just wanted to see if the system as a while was working as expected – fortunately it was 🙂
We have a field of view of 3.26 x 4.24 degrees and a sampling of 3.05 arc seconds per pixel. Now a 2-framer will give me an incredible 6 x 4 degrees and a 4-framer an unbelievable 6 x 8 degrees. Things are going to get extremely interesting at the New Forest Observatory this imaging season 🙂
Image expertly processed and stitched by Noel Carboni – took a fair bit of work by Noel to get things nicely matched together. Also showed us some questionable artefacts on camera 1 which I will have to take a look at very shortly.