TS 80mm triplet APO refractor – first impressions

I see below that I had just connected up the Robofocus to the TS 80 but since then we have had a couple of clear nights.  Fired up the M26C and Robofocus on the TS 80 and got a good V-curve straight off for focusing.  Even without adjusting the camera at all the chip was pretty flat and the collimation was actually the magic 0.0″ – the TS 2″ flattener must be doing a really good job.  Took a pile of subs and checked them out the next day.  Stars look good corner to corner of the chip, star colour looks very good (well-corrected no halos) and really it just seems to do the job – incredibly well.  I need to do a bit more work to be able to write up a fuller report, but first impressions are, here is a scope at a third of the price of a Sky 90 with reducer-corrector and camera rotator (yes I know it is f#6 rather than f#4.5, but actually you wouldn’t notice it in what it grabs in reasonable length subs) that actually outperforms the Sky 90 in terms of image quality – I also get a slightly higher resolution of course albeit at the loss of a little of the field of view.  I think this is going to be a most interesting winter imaging season.

Oh yes – should mention – a second TS 80 has been ordered – it really is that good 🙂


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