I am putting together a new pinhole camera for this coming December 21st 2013 (Winter Solstice). It will remain outside recording whatever Sun there might be until June 21st 2014 (Summer Solstice). Big difference from the earlier pinhole photographs I have taken though – this time I went and bought some 8 x 10 inch photopaper 🙂 Too big for the standard beer can – but a perfect fit in a 4-inch diameter piece of plastic drainpipe. A couple of layers of Aluminium foil around the pipe to ensure it is light-tight, and a couple of (black) watertight drainpipe end-caps to seal the ends against light and water. The pinhole itself is made into a piece of Aluminium foil which is stuck over a 1″ diameter hole drilled into the side of the pipe. So this goes out on Friday evening and I have a 6-month wait to see whether the idea has worked or not. Check back on June 22nd for the answer 🙂
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