Picture of the Week this time is Messier 45, the Pleiades star cluster in Taurus with the associated (blue) reflection nebulosity, and the (brown) Taurus molecular cloud.
This is 18-hours worth of 40-minute subs taken with the 3 x Sky90s and 3 x M26C OSC CCDs on the MiniWASP array.
I added 6-hours of data to the existing 12-hours to get the current 18-hours and saw very little (approaching zero) improvement over the 12-hours of exposure time. I am therefore well within the diminishing returns region, and I’d only start seeing ANY improvement by probably going to something like 36-hours of exposure time. That being the case I can safely say that for my location, this is about the best I am going to do, and this therefore is another completed object.