Unbelievably it was actually clear last night AND there was no Moon. Choice was between Arcturus and Spica, and as I’d only done Spica once before with the Sky90 array, Spica won.
Just as with the Sky90 array image, Spica is deep down in the murk towards the south and there is flare around the brighter stars which automatically gives the Akira Fujii effect for free.
Only managed to get 12 x 5-minute subs with the 200mm lenses and the ASI 2600MC Pro CMOS camera before Spica hit the Meridian and I called it a night.
As you can see Spica is one of the brightest bluest stars in the night sky. It is easily found by following the curve of the handle of the plough down to brilliant Arcturus and then continuing on the curve down until you arrive at Spica.
POSTSCRIPT: Spica is NOT one of the brightest bluest stars in the sky – it is THE brightest bluest star in the sky.