Category Archives: Sky 90 and SXVF-M26C

Images taken with the 10-Megapixel Starlight Xpress M26C one-shot colour CCD and the Sky 90 refractor.

V1331 Cygni

V1331 Cygni is a young star in Cygnus in the dark nebula LDN981. It is almost surrounded by an arc-like reflection nebula. I have just spent many hours re-stacking the 6-hours worth of 10 and 15-minute subs expecting to get … Continue reading

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Tania Australis & Tania Borealis

I like close pairings of red and blue stars for the striking colour contrast they give. Here’s a pair that don’t get much air-time, namely Tania Australis (red) and Tania Borealis (blue) which reside in Ursa Major. Just to the … Continue reading

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Mu Cephei – the Garnet star

A reprocess of a Sky90/M26C OSC CCD composite image of the Garnet star in the IC1396 nebula.

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Greg’s Lambda Asterism

This is a 2-frame mosaic using the Sky90 array and M26C OSC CCDs. Centre-bottom is the bright star Epsilon Cassiopei, and above left is the asterism Greg’s Lambda.

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The Perseus Double-Cluster and Stock 2

I just did a quick reprocess on this one and it looked nice enough to re-post. This is the famous Double-Cluster in Perseus, with the less famous Stock 2 (the stick-man lying on his side at top right). A 2-frame … Continue reading

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M31 – the Final Cut

I just found another 6-hours of 40-minute subs of M31 taken with the Sky90 array, and I added this to the earlier composite. You can see the result above and it is virtually no different from the previous result. I … Continue reading

Posted in Hyperstar 4 and ASI2600MC-Pro, mini-WASP Array, Projects, Sky 90 and SXVF-M26C | Leave a comment

Definitive M31

I sent a friend a low-res version of M31 and they asked if they could have the hi-res version to print out and put on their wall. Now it gets embarrassing – can’t find the hi-res version anywhere. So I … Continue reading

Posted in Hyperstar 4 and ASI2600MC-Pro, Sky 90 and SXVF-M26C | Leave a comment

Starless IC410/405 in Auriga

A starless version of the IC410/405 nebulae in Auriga taken on the Sky90 array with the M26C OSC CCDs. Tadpoles clearly visible, and the blue reflection nebulosity in the head of the Flaming Star nebula is very noticeable.

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Hind’s Variable Nebula

A reprocess of Hind’s Variable nebula in the constellation Taurus. Taken on the Sky90 array with M26C OSC CCDs and UV/IR cut filters. This image comprises 65 x 20-minute subs (or almost 22-hours of exposure time).

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The Coma Cluster of Galaxies

The famous Coma Cluster of galaxies, where in 1933 Fritz Zwicky first proposed the existence of Dark Matter.

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