Category Archives: Published Work

Images that have been published in magazines, online or in other media

Today’s Earth Science Picture of the Day – EPOD

Got today’s EPOD with the image of M11 sitting in the Scutum star cloud 🙂  Thank you Jim at EPOD for continuing to publish my work.

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Got today’s Earth Science Picture of the Day – EPOD

Got today’s EPOD with the 4-frame mosaic taken with the Canon 200mm lenses and Trius M26Cs – the whole of central Lyra. Thank you Jim at EPOD for continuing to publish my work. This is EPOD number 94.

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Earth Science Picture of the Day – EPOD

Today’s EPOD is M92 – the ovelooked globular cluster in Hercules.  

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Earth Science Picture of the Day (EPOD) 16th June 2017

A Common Name for the IC1396 Nebula. Why doesn’t this magnificent nebula have a “common name”? What would you call it?

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Stereo View of Asteroid 2014 JO25

Is today’s EPOD – Thank you Jim at EPOD for continuing to publish my work, and Dr. Brian May for creating the stereograph.  

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Today’s Earth Science Picture of the Day (EPOD)

We are entering galaxy season and Leo is well placed for imaging. I took a very deep image of the Regulus region wanting to pick up the Leo I dwarf galaxy – and caught something else at the same time. … Continue reading

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Lunar Halo

A 22-degree lunar halo taken last night (09/03/2017) at 8:20 p.m. Lovely view of Orion too. Red flashing light photobombing the image was a military helicopter which was tailing another military helicopter that had NO LIGHTS showing!!

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Today’s Earth Science Picture of the Day (EPOD)

Got today’s EPOD with the recent deep Pleiades image. Thank you Jim at EPOD for continuing to publish my work.

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7th February 2017 Earth Science Picture of the Day

Got today’s Earth Science Picture of the Day (EPOD) with “Taurus Molecular Cloud Region and Stellar Nursery”. Thank you Jim at EPOD for continuing to publish my work.  

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6th January 2017 Earth Science Picture of the Day

Got today’s Earth Science Picture of the Day (EPOD) with “Contrasting Star Pair in Auriga”. Thank you Jim at EPOD for continuing to publish my work.

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