Category Archives: Published Work

Images that have been published in magazines, online or in other media

EPOD Earth Science Picture of the Day for 13/11/2019

Got today’s EPOD with an image of the “37” cluster called “The Answer is an Emirp”. Thank you Jim for continuing to publish my work.

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Today’s EPOD – Coddington’s Nebula in Ursa Major – number 106

Got today’s EPOD with a Sky 90 array image of Coddington’s nebula (actually a faint diffuse galaxy) in Ursa Major. Over 17-hours of Sky 90 data went into creating this image.

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EPOD – Encore – Black Spleenwort Fern and Fractals

Got today’s EPOD Encore with an image of an uncurled fern and a fractal which bears it a striking resemblance.

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Got today’s EPOD Encore

Imaging Diatoms. A focus-stacked photomicromosaic.

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Astronomy Picture of the Day APOD

November 30th 2018 – Struve’s Lost nebula

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Got EPOD number 101 today

With this recent Canon 5D MkII image from the New Forest Observatory

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Earth Science Picture of the Day (EPOD) number 99 published today

Today (19/03/2018) saw the publication of EPOD number 99 for me. A big 2-frame panorama of the Bellatrix region with a large galaxy cluster on the right hand side of the frame. Look out for EPOD number 100 next month.

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98th Earth Science Picture of the Day (EPOD) Today

Managed to get today’s EPOD with an image of Arcturus – the brightest star in the Northern Celestial Hemisphere. Thank you Jim at EPOD for continuing to publish my work.  

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97th Earth Science Picture of the Day (EPOD) Today

Got today’s EPOD (number 97 for me) with an image of Romanesco Broccoli showing its Fractal structure. Thank you Jim at EPOD for continuing to publish my work.  

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A Trio of Special Stars is Today’s EPOD – Earth Science Picture of the Day.

Got today’s EPOD with 3 very special stars in a region close to the Crescent Nebula in Cygnus. Thank you Jim at EPOD for continuing to publish my work.

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