Thank you everybody for your fantastic response to the Deep-Sky Image of the Week. A lot of you seem to feel the same way as me regarding that alternative daily post site 🙂 The response has been a bit greater than I had expected (that’s a good thing!) but it does mean all the Deep-Sky images for October 2011 are now scheduled. So if you have sent in an image and it doesn’t appear this month, don’t get all upset, it may well turn up in next month’s batch of superb Deep-Sky images.
As I just finished writing the above a thought struck me (hurt quite a bit). Please also send in images of the Sun, Moon, Planets, comets and asteroids – not just deep-sky stuff. Maybe I should call it the Night Sky Image of the Week? Any suggestions welcome. What I don’t want this turning into is a Meteorological Image of the Week with pictures of clouds, rainbows, sundogs and the like – there are some superb sites like EPOD who already cater very well for these subjects.