Category Archives: News

A Super-Universe?

Webb results imply to me that there is an overall “Super-Universe” of infinite size and infinite lifetime – and our particular Universe is just one of many (infinite maybe?) sitting within it. Little Universes (like our own) are popping up … Continue reading

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Webb Telescope and Halton Arp

Here’s a BIG prediction for you. Remember you saw it here first. The way things are developing with the Webb telescope observations – I predict that Halton Arp’s theories (re quasars) are going to be confirmed sometime soon.

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From 7 years ago.

More than 100 Nobel laureates tell Greenpeace International: Stop opposing genetically modified foods that could improve nutrition around the world. As a “scientist” I have a real problem with this – the problem being that I agree with Greenpeace and … Continue reading

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The Importance of the Overlap Time in the Fermi Paradox.

Here’s my take on an important factor to consider, which I haven’t seen mentioned, in trying to answer the Fermi Paradox (if they are out there, then why haven’t we “seen” them?).   First off, both civilisations need to be … Continue reading

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The REAL Dangers of AI

Up until today, I haven’t really been bothered at all about the hype generated concerning the dangers of AI. The “singularity” and Terminator-like scenarios are as far as I’m concerned just complete garbage and not worth thinking too much about. … Continue reading

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Collimating the Hyperstar V4 on a Celestron Nexstar GPS 11.

The biggest pain involved in getting the best out of a Hyperstar is getting the collimation sorted. As it was a full Moon last night I thought I would start from scratch (deliberately way out of collimation) and then see … Continue reading

Posted in Articles, Hyperstar 4 and ASI2600MC-Pro, News, Projects | 2 Comments

More Mirror Magic

Quite some time ago I wrote up a piece on how a vertically oriented mirror laterally inverts an image (it doesn’t by the way). People quite often ask, if a mirror inverts laterally, then why doesn’t it invert vertically as … Continue reading

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GAIA is not “intelligent” – it is a highly complex, highly-interacting system, slowly built up over 4.6 billion years. GAIA’s only “job” is to try and maintain an overall equilibrium of the system. So if something crops up that severely … Continue reading

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MiniWASP major upgrade 17/02/2022

I have just completed a major upgrade to the MiniWASP array, specifically the 2 Canon 200mm f#2.8 prime lenses. You can now see there are a pair of red cameras on the back instead of the usual black ones. These … Continue reading

Posted in 200mm lens and ASI 2600MC-Pro camera, Equipment, mini-WASP Array, News, Projects | Leave a comment

Space Station Lunar Transit!

I had absolutely no idea it was an ISS lunar transit last night, which is why the picture is so badly framed. But at least I captured it. And here is the single frame of the transit.

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