Category Archives: Writing

Last Night’s ISS pass

Last night’s ISS pass kicked off around 10:23 p.m. and was a nice 6-minutes long. Ursa Major again centre of image (right way up this time) with Arcturus at the bottom of the shot.

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ISS Pass Last Night

Last night was a 6-minute pass of the ISS starting at 10:26 p.m. As the sky was still fairly light I took (roughly) 20-second exposures. In the middle, upside down, you can see Ursa Major. Follow the handle of the … Continue reading

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ISS Pass Last Night

Unbelievably it was clear enough last night to have a go at capturing the 9:41 p.m. 7-minute space station pass. I used the Canon 15mm fisheye lens on the Canon 5D MkII ISO 100, f#2.8, bulb setting, and took ~10-second … Continue reading

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Spica Deep Down in the Murk

Unbelievably it was actually clear last night AND there was no Moon. Choice was between Arcturus and Spica, and as I’d only done Spica once before with the Sky90 array, Spica won. Just as with the Sky90 array image, Spica … Continue reading

Posted in 200mm lens and ASI 2600MC-Pro camera, mini-WASP Array | Leave a comment

An Altair/Barnard’s “E” Composite

Using Registar I combined the Altair/Barnard’s “E” images taken with the Canon 5D MkII and a 200mm lens together with the ASI 2600MC Pro CMOS cameras and the 200mm lenses. This is the result.

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An Image from Last Night

Castor (blue-white star top right) and Pollux (orange star bottom left) the Twins in Gemini taken last night under a blazing Moon with the 200mm lenses and the ASI 2600MC Pro CMOS camera. This is only 4 x 10-minute subs, … Continue reading

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Is it Really Worth it?

Clear last night so I started setting up early so I could get some good imaging time in. The last tweak I needed to do was to get the two Canon 200mm lenses aligned to one another (perfectly) and then … Continue reading

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Only 6 x 10-minute subs from last night, so pretty noisy, but at least it’s the first image since November 14th 2023, so a major landmark. 200mm lenses and the ASI 2600MC Pro CMOS cameras. Need to take some new … Continue reading

Posted in 200mm lens and ASI 2600MC-Pro camera, mini-WASP Array | Leave a comment

First Clear Night in Weeks.

A couple of nights back we had the first clear night in many weeks. This is such a rare event it deserves an entry all of its own. So, starting at 7 p.m. I began work on setting up the … Continue reading

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M31 – the Final Cut

I just found another 6-hours of 40-minute subs of M31 taken with the Sky90 array, and I added this to the earlier composite. You can see the result above and it is virtually no different from the previous result. I … Continue reading

Posted in Hyperstar 4 and ASI2600MC-Pro, mini-WASP Array, Projects, Sky 90 and SXVF-M26C | Leave a comment