The latest Parker/Carboni offering is the beautiful Iris nebula in the constellation Cepheus.
Taken with the Hyperstar III on the C11 this represents 3-hours and 40-minutes worth of RGB (one shot colour data). Not only does the very faint “pink bit” show up just below the bright star in the Iris, but look at all the brown dust surrounding the region blocking out the background stars. I am really pleased with this one – and the Sky 90 equivalent of this would have taken me nearly 24-hours in total, and anything from 4 to 6 good clear Moonless imaging nights!!! Hyperstars rock!
Gah! You beat me to it on this one, and somehow I knew you would 🙂
Incredible depth to this, so much dust everywhere. And I totally agree… Hyperstars rock!
Hi Steve,
Didn’t remember you were going for this one 🙂 I spent 3 clear nights getting the North America nebula, first clear night after that one was the Iris, second clear night was to get a bit more data on the Cave nebula (but I’m not sure this data was up to much). Spent an hour on Sunday night on the NGC7788 region and that’s it so far.
I managed a pretty decent M42 from Kelling, and a M45 I need to reprocess (I clipped the black point), and a couple of other sequences to look at, including my Hyperstar Iris image, but after seeing what Noel has done with your version, i`m not expecting all that much from mine.
I see the weather has settled back into the usual UK autumn, so no idea when I`ll next get out.
Yep – saw the M42 and M45, surprised you didn’t get a lot more lens flare on M45 (I think my system would be a lot worse). We were very lucky to get a few clear days in September (I got two sets of 3 clear days in a row – very unusual) October is not getting off to a great start 🙁