Category Archives: EPOD

Earth Science Picture of the Day

Got Today’s EPOD

Got today’s EPOD with “Precious Wentletrap Shells”. Thank you Jim for continuing to publish my work 🙂 

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Got Today’s EPOD (number 130)

Got today’s EPOD with Carbon star C W Leonis. Thank you Jim for continuing to publish my work 🙂   

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Today’s EPOD

Got today’s EPOD – – with the recent Sadr and the Butterfly Nebula – taken with the Canon 200mm prime lenses and the ZWO ASI 2600 MC-Pro CMOS cameras. Thank you Jim for continuing to publish my work.

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Today’s EPOD Supernova SN2022hrs

Got today’s EPOD with the Supernova SN2022hrs. Thank you Jim at EPOD for continuing to publish my work.

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Today’s Earth Science Picture of the Day (EPOD)

Got today’s EPOD with the DSS2 data I recently processed of the California Nebula (NGC 1499). Thank you Cadan Cummings for the write-up on this one.

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Got today’s Earth Science Picture of the Day

Managed to get today’s EPOD with that mass of Milky Way stars taken with the 200mm lenses that looks like magnified grains of sand on the beach. Thank you Jim for continuing to publish my work.

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EPOD 20th Anniversary – The Splendid Andromeda Spiral Galaxy

September 24th, 2020 – Got today’s EPOD with the single framer of M31 using the Sky90 array. My aim this season is to get a DEEEEEEP 2-framer of this one with the Sky90s so that I get the tips of … Continue reading

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Earth Science Picture of the Day for 19th May 2020

Got yesterday’s EPOD with my recent Hyperstar III image of the M51 region.  

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EPOD – Earth Science Picture of the Day

Got today’s EPOD with “Superluminous Quasar” a very bright quasar in the constellation Lynx. Thank you Jim Foster at EPOD for continuing to publish my work.    

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EPOD Earth Science Picture of the Day for 13/11/2019

Got today’s EPOD with an image of the “37” cluster called “The Answer is an Emirp”. Thank you Jim for continuing to publish my work.

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