Category Archives: Observatory

South Dome Makeover

On this beautiful Summer Solstice day – here’s the South Dome (Hyperstar + 2600MC Pro CMOS) done and dusted. De-pollinated (thick layer of yellow pollen removed) and vacuumed out. Just the decking to repaint. But that will wait until after … Continue reading

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The Sky90 array is now fully operational

I worked in the observatory from 10 p.m. until 1:15 a.m. this morning getting the Sky90 array tuned up and ready to go. All 3 Sky90s are now well-aligned and the collimation on each camera is spot on. We’re ready … Continue reading

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Out until 3:00 a.m. last night – the joy of astrophotography.

Well last night was an extremely rare, beautiful clear and Moonless night. I had 2 main things to get on with, one get the array in the North Dome polar aligned and all the cameras/scopes set up ready for imaging, … Continue reading

Posted in Equipment, Hyperstar 4 and ASI2600MC-Pro, mini-WASP Array, Observatory | Leave a comment


Well we have managed to survive 2020 and now await the developments of 2021. As per usual, this imaging season has been complete rubbish so far with only a couple of good nights since the beginning of October 2020 – … Continue reading

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Supernova SN 2020 fqv in the Siamese Twins

Getting a bit faint now, supernova SN 2020 fqv in the Siamese Twins (a galaxy pair in Virgo), imaged last night using the HyperstarIII on the C11 using the Trius 814C OSC CCD and 19 x 300-second subs. At least … Continue reading

Posted in Hyperstar III and Trius SX-814C, Observatory | Leave a comment

The North & South domes have just had their annual Spring clean

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A sunny day at the New Forest Observatories

I just finished painting the South Dome’s decking which finishes the Spring cleaning of the two dome’s for this year. The South Dome has just had a re-injection of life for the Hyperstar III with the addition of a 9-Megapixel … Continue reading

Posted in Hyperstar III and Trius SX-814C, Observatory, Projects | Leave a comment

The New Forest Observatory with an Orion background

Too much water vapour in the air tonight for any serious imaging – but you can still see the stars – so I took out the DSLR.  Here are the two New Forest Observatories with an Orion background and plenty … Continue reading

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New Forest Observatory this morning

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A new course for 2013

Due to having received several requests – the New Forest Observatory now offers another course for astronomers. “Constructing an observatory for imaging or observing” is the latest course we have on offer – please check the “Courses” section for details.

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