
This is a 60 Megapixel image of an Owl Butterfly (underside) taken with a Canon DSLR and a Canon 100mm macro lens. The image is a mosaic and comprises of 6 separate frames that are put together in Photoshop to create this single extremely high resolution image.

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High-Speed Photography

Here’s an example of just one of many high-speed images taken using my own designed and built high-speed Xenon flashguns.

This is an exposure time of just 10-microseconds (1/100,000th of a second) taken using the open-flash technique. A pair of eggs have been shot with an air rifle and the pellet can be seen frozen in time, towards the far left of the image. No eggs were wasted in the taking of this image, they were fed to the dogs who greatly enjoyed the unexpected snack.

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Purchase a High-Quality Print of Any Image You Can See on the New Forest Observatory Website

With the acquisition of the new HP T230 4-colour printer, I am once again able to offer prints of ANY image you see on the NFO site.

Print sizes available are A4, A3, A2 with a maximum of A1. Prints are on glossy photo-quality paper, in most cases HP paper.

To enquire about purchasing a print, click on “Leave a comment” that you see at the bottom of the image you require and leave your details. I will provide you with the cost of the image in the size(s) you request. Your comments will not be published (seen) by any visitors to the NFO.

Please note; images that took a long time to capture will attract a higher price than, for example, a single-star image that was captured in a single imaging session.

As I also carry out photomicroscopy, macrophotography and high-speed photography, in addition to the astrophotography you are familiar with – I will now start publishing some of this other work on the NFO site so that you may also be able to purchase these as well.

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Picture of the Week

This week we feature the Cone nebula region, a 3-frame (horizontal) mosaic taken with the Hyperstar III on the C11 with an M25C OSC CCD. On the left we have the Cone nebula, the central beautiful golden open cluster is Trumpler 5 (for some reason you don’t see many images of that beauty), and on the right we have reflection/dark nebula IC2169. There’s really a lot going on in this region and it includes an example of each type of nebulosity as well. It might well be worth taking another look at this area with the 200mm lenses/2600MC Pro CMOS cameras and Optolong L-Enhance filters with 20-minute subs and see what we end up with.

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Got Today’s EPOD

Got today’s EPOD with “Precious Wentletrap Shells”.

Thank you Jim for continuing to publish my work 🙂 

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Large Format Printing Returns to the New Forest Observatory

I have suffered deep-sky large-format printing withdrawal symptoms for far too long now, and gave in yesterday to purchase a new large-format printer. So yesterday I ordered up an HP T230 A1 printer with a ton of accessories from Graphic Design Supplies Ltd. (Horsham) and everything arrived the following day with absolutely no hiccups. Superb service and highly recommended.

So once again I am able to offer A1/A2/A3 or A4 size high-resolution prints of ANY image you want on the NFO website. If you would like to order an image then leave your details in the “Comment” section at the bottom of the image (I will not publish any order details) and I will get back to you with a price which will include p&P for the U.K.

Posted in House and home, Projects | Leave a comment

Picture of the Week

As promised on 24th June 2024 – here is an image that took me 10-years in the making. This is the whole of Corona Borealis, with the inverse-nova Carbon star R Coronae Borealis putting in a VERY bright appearance. Imaging at this time of year means imaging in astronomical twilight as we have no hours of darkness, and this brings its own problems. However, in the early hours of 24th June 2024 I managed to get the 3rd and final frame of this 3-frame mosaic. Each frame was 20 x 10-minute subs meaning this was a 10-hour image in total. Imaging carried out with the 2 x Canon 200mm prime lenses (Canon don’t make this lens anymore!) and the 2 x ASI 2600MC Pro CMOS cameras with UV/IR cut filters.

So pleased this project has finally come to an end, and very pleased with the final result as well.

I can now concentrate on getting the other small constellations I want to capture with the 200mm lenses.

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Mu Cephei – the Garnet star

A reprocess of a Sky90/M26C OSC CCD composite image of the Garnet star in the IC1396 nebula.

Posted in mini-WASP Array, Sky 90 and SXVF-M26C | Leave a comment

Picture of the Week

This week it is one of my “single star” images, where the main subject is a bright star in the centre of the frame. This is a recently taken image, but I like it so much it is Picture of the Week, even though it is only 12 x 5-minute subs! Taken with the Canon 200mm prime lenses and ASI 2600MC Pro OSC CMOS cameras, Spica is the brightest, bluest, star in the sky – a true celestial sapphire.

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Yet Another Pleiades Reprocess

Once you bring Russ Croman’s Star XTerminator into your processing – there’s about a million different ways you can go forward. Here’s yet another way.

This was stuck in drafts, can’t remember writing this, so I’ll just post it now.

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