As you are all aware – we didn’t have a summer this year, so the “summer” mega-project for 2008 has been making incredibly slow progress. I managed to get out on the evening of 19th September to grab 3 more hours of RGB on the central North America [NGC7000] region, and last night [20th September 2008] I got another 3 hours of RGB on the Gulf of Mexico area.
The North America nebula is so huge I still need to get a bit way off the top of the current mosaic, and I also need to fill in upper and lower regions around the Pelican nebula – so there’s every chance I won’t actually get to finish this summer’s project as I need to soon move on to M33. Noel has been carrying out some deft processing on the data we have so far, and has come up with another “space-ship porthole” view – which I must admit I far prefer over standard rectangular frames.