Category Archives: News

Christmas has come a little early this year.

Yesterday I received a couple of deliveries to completely upgrade the MiniWASP array, both the 3 x Sky90s and the 2 x 200mm Canon lenses. I am glad the weather continues to be awful as it means I’ll be able … Continue reading

Posted in Canon 200mm prime lens, Hyperstar 4 and ASI2600MC-Pro, News, Sky 90 and SXVF-M26C | Leave a comment

Another 7-minute ISS pass from earlier in the month.

Here’s another long 7-minute pass of the International Space Station from earlier this month (I’ve only just got around to processing the 17 frames of data). Annoyingly, as you can see, I didn’t continue long enough off the right hand … Continue reading

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Space station pass tonight 5 p.m.

A nice long 7-minute pass of the space station tonight. It has been good all week with long passes – but it has also been mostly clouded out.

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Another clear night last night.

Another clear (but not Moonless) night last night – so it was  perfect for setting up the array. Managed to get the 3 Sky90s aligned, focused, and sensors flattened – so the Sky90 array is now ready for some clear, … Continue reading

Posted in Canon 200mm prime lens, Hyperstar 4 and ASI2600MC-Pro, News, Sky 90 and SXVF-M26C | Leave a comment

The California nebula processed from DSS2 data.

Yet another boring grey day with absolutely no chance of imaging. So to keep my hand in with the image processing I decided to have a go at the California nebula region using DSS2 data. I tell you how to … Continue reading

Posted in Deep Space Objects, News | Leave a comment

Of course.

As I have both rigs (Hyperstar and MiniWASP array) now beautifully polar aligned, we have had nothing but cloud ever since setting them up – including right the way through the no Moon period. I know this is to be … Continue reading

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Collimating the Hyperstar 4

In my opinion the Hyperstar 4 is a most amazing piece of kit, and it is beyond me why anyone entering astrophotography for the first time wouldn’t consider this as their route to entry. But there is a caveat. To … Continue reading

Posted in Articles, Equipment, Hyperstar 4 and ASI2600MC-Pro, News | Leave a comment

We are living the Fermi Paradox!

With regard to increasing global temperatures, I believe the planet is now in a state of positive feedback. Increasing temperatures, apart from melting the permafrost, also release huge quantities of Methane, a worse greenhouse gas than CO2. Increasing temperatures also … Continue reading

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How did it all begin??

As I sit through gloomy days and gloomy nights waiting patiently for this season’s imaging to get underway, I remembered the very odd start I had to this hobby. I don’t think I’ve shared this one before, so maybe now … Continue reading

Posted in Getting Started, News | 1 Comment

A 10-year Journey on Speed or Why the Hyperstar Really is a High-Speed Imaging System.

No not amphetamines speed, but f# speed, a poorly understood but absolutely critical optical system parameter. It has been a very difficult decision for me to make on how to tell this story. I have had clues about what’s been … Continue reading

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