Category Archives: Uncategorized

Open clusters M46 & M47 in Puppis

Two very nice open clusters, quite low down in the sky for me, in the constellation Puppis.  These are M46 (on the left) and M47 (on the right).  There are also two other open clusters as well as two planetary … Continue reading

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The Fermi paradox – where are they?

If you don’t know what the Fermi paradox is, then it’s pretty pointless reading any further. For those that do know what the Fermi paradox is, then for what it’s worth, my belief up until 2 years ago was that … Continue reading

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The Final Deep-Sky Image of the Week – Astrophotographer Harry Page

Fellow PAIG forumite Harry Page signs off the New Forest Observatory “Deep-Sky Image of the Week” series with this stunning presentation of M33.  You can see full image details on Harry’s web-site here.  Thank you for your support of the … Continue reading

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Deep-Sky Image of the Week – Astrophotographer Anna Morris

Another fine Horsehead image from another PAIG lady – this time it’s the return of Anna Morris (who shared her amazing NGC7000 region mega-mosaic with us a few weeks ago).  Very nicely processed image Anna – and what can I … Continue reading

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Deep-Sky Image of the Week – Astrophotographer Rogelio Bernal Andreo

Happy New Year!  And the first “Deep-Sky Image of the Week” for the New Year is another belter from Rogelio!!!!!  O.K. for your average Joe Public this may look pretty grey and unimpressive – where are all the pretty colours?  … Continue reading

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Deep-Sky Image of the Week – Astrophotographer Carole Pope

Fellow PAIG forumite Carole Pope provided our first “Deep-Sky Image of the Week” back on October 3rd 2011 – and she see’s out 2011 with another fine image taken from Bromley (which is no mean achivement in itself 🙂 Carole captured this … Continue reading

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Deep-Sky Image of the Week – Astrophotographer Yours Truly

The deep-sky image for this week is one of mine 🙂  It is perhaps not one of the best-looking images that I have taken, but it is one of my favourites due to the amount of time I spent in … Continue reading

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Deep-Sky Image of the Week – Astrophotographer Pete Lawrence

This week’s object is not deep-sky, it’s our closest star – the Sun.  And look at the beauty of our nearest star as captured by Selsey astronomer Pete Lawrence.  What a truly remarkable image – I would have that blown … Continue reading

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Deep-Sky Image of the Week – Astrophotographer Harry Page

The image for this week comes from fellow PAIG forumite Harry Page – with yet another superb deep-sky offering – this time it’s the beautiful Iris nebula with its surrounding brown dusty clouds.  This region of Cepheus is another one … Continue reading

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Deep-Sky Image of the Week – Astrophotographer Rogelio Bernal Andreo

This week the New Forest Observatory is honoured to present the masterful work of the man who is in my opinion, currently the best amateur deep-sky imager on the planet – may I introduce you to Rogelio Bernal Andreo who … Continue reading

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