The name for this project comes from the Wide Angle Search for Planets or SuperWASP project. As you can guess it is used for hunting exo-planets.
If you look at the SuperWASP site you will see an impressive imaging array comprising 8 Canon 200mm f#1.8 lenses with their associated Andor CCD cameras all sitting on a massive torus fork mount – certainly very nice gear!
Living in the U.K. we have a major problem to contend with trying to pursue our hobby – the weather. There are very few good clear Moonless nights to take those perfect images. I have also compounded the problem by moving from a very fast (Hyperstar) imaging system that worked at f#1.85, to a much slower refractor-based system working at only f#4.5, i.e. six times slower.
I’m going to tackle this problem piece by piece and I will be posting details of my thoughts in the mini-WASP Array category. You can also see a list of the posts below:
- From the Butterfly to the Tulip via the Crescent, November 12th, 2024
- From the Buttertfly to the Crescent to the Tulip, October 27th, 2024
- The Coathanger Cluster in Perspective, October 24th, 2024
- Third Frame of the Sagitta Mosaic, October 22nd, 2024
- 20 Years of Imaging the Double Cluster, October 19th, 2024
- The Stars Like Dust, October 6th, 2024
- Sagitta, October 4th, 2024
- Sagitta Central, September 28th, 2024
- North Dome Fully Functional, September 17th, 2024
- A Big Thank You to Peter Dossett and Tom How, September 14th, 2024
- V1331 Cygni, July 24th, 2024
- Tania Australis & Tania Borealis, July 23rd, 2024
- Mu Cephei - the Garnet star, June 30th, 2024
- Corona Borealis. A 10-year Project Finally Completed, June 24th, 2024
- Greg's Lambda Asterism, June 7th, 2024
- Spica Deep Down in the Murk, May 5th, 2024
- An Altair/Barnard's "E" Composite, April 21st, 2024
- An Image from Last Night, April 21st, 2024
- Is it Really Worth it?, March 7th, 2024
- Aldebaran, March 6th, 2024
- First Clear Night in Weeks., March 5th, 2024
- M31 - the Final Cut, January 17th, 2024
- The Propus Region of Gemini, December 24th, 2023
- The Whole of Canis Minor, December 23rd, 2023
- Arcturus Wide Field, December 23rd, 2023
- The IC2087 Region in Taurus, December 22nd, 2023
- Larger Field of View Flaming Star Nebula, December 20th, 2023
- Hind's Variable Nebula, December 13th, 2023
- The Coma Cluster of Galaxies, December 9th, 2023
- Gamma Cass, December 6th, 2023
- A Panoramic Kemble's Cascade, December 4th, 2023
- Open Cluster NGC1817 in Taurus, December 2nd, 2023
- Mighty Merak Reprocess, December 1st, 2023
- A Very Deep Image of the Pleiades, November 18th, 2023
- The 32 Cygni Region of Cygnus, November 15th, 2023
- The Heart Nebula, November 13th, 2023
- Carbon Star Y Tauri (SAO77516), November 13th, 2023
- Delta Persei a Very Blue Star, November 12th, 2023
- A Halloween Witch's Broom, October 28th, 2023
- Veil Nebula - All the Data I Have, October 20th, 2023
- Carbon Star - T Cancri, October 13th, 2023
- M31 - The Andromeda galaxy, October 13th, 2023
- The Veil nebula in Cygnus, October 9th, 2023
- The Sadr Region of Cygnus, September 10th, 2023
- From M42 to M78, March 31st, 2023
- Stunning Sirius, February 27th, 2023
- 29-hours of IC410/IC405 Data, February 25th, 2023
- Rosette nebula with the 200mm Canon lenses, February 20th, 2023
- Heart Nebula - Complete Reprocess, February 16th, 2023
- Yet Another Pleiades Reprocess, February 2nd, 2023
- Pleiades reprocess, February 1st, 2023
- SAO 132035 an S-Type star (s 4,1) Just East of Rigel, January 31st, 2023
- Reprocess of all Hyperstar on all Sky90 Data - Median Mix in Registar, January 30th, 2023
- Arcturus - the Eye of the Bull - from 2013, January 29th, 2023
- Sirius - The Brightest Star in the Sky, January 28th, 2023
- Star Reduced Deep Pleiades, January 27th, 2023
- Composite IC410/IC405 Nebulae in Auriga, January 24th, 2023
- Composite California Nebula, January 24th, 2023
- The Rosette Nebula - A Work in Progress, January 22nd, 2023
- IC410 & IC405 as You Might Not Have Seen Them Before, January 22nd, 2023
- Now 6-hours on the IC410/IC405 Region, January 21st, 2023
- The California nebula, January 20th, 2023
- Update on the Configuration of the Sky90 Array, January 18th, 2023
- Composite IC410 IC405, January 4th, 2023
- Composite Rosette nebula, January 3rd, 2023
- The Heart of the Rose, January 3rd, 2023
- The Sadr Region in Cygnus, December 27th, 2022
- Star Reduced Sadr Region With the 200mm Lenses, December 25th, 2022
- Altair Region with Star Reduction, December 23rd, 2022
- North America nebula region, December 13th, 2022
- Mu Cephei - the Garnet Star, December 12th, 2022
- Star Reduced California Nebula, November 26th, 2022
- The Whole of Delphinus, November 21st, 2022
- Composite IC410/IC405 using Sky90 and 200mm lens data, November 15th, 2022
- Star reduced IC410/IC405, November 15th, 2022
- Composite IC2087, October 2nd, 2022
- The Sadr Region in Cygnus, September 30th, 2022
- The Coathanger Cluster Asterism, September 28th, 2022
- Sadr Region Through Thin High Cloud, September 24th, 2022
- The Dust Really is All Stars, September 22nd, 2022
- Alshain, Altair, Tarazed & Barnard's "E", September 21st, 2022
- The Whole of Canis Minor, September 20th, 2022
- M31 Zoomed-Out & Zoomed-In, September 20th, 2022
- The Whole of the Virgo/Coma Galaxy Supercluster, September 13th, 2022
- Sulafat & Sheliak, September 13th, 2022
- From the Butterfly, Through the Crescent, to the Tulip, September 12th, 2022
- North America & Pelican Nebulae, September 12th, 2022
- Aldebaran, the Hyades and NGC1647, September 10th, 2022
- The Caph & Ruchbah Regions of Cassiopeia, September 9th, 2022
- The Twins in Gemini - Castor & Pollux, September 8th, 2022
- M44 the Beehive Cluster Within the Stargate, September 7th, 2022
- The Cocoon Nebula and Associated Dark Nebula, September 6th, 2022
- Composite North America/Pelican Nebula Region, September 6th, 2022
- The Whole of Central Lyra Featuring Vega, September 4th, 2022
- The Perseus Double Cluster & Stock 2, September 3rd, 2022
- The Sadr Region and the North America and Pelican Nebulae in Cygnus, September 2nd, 2022
- The IC2087 Region of the Taurus Molecular Cloud, August 24th, 2022
- Star SAO76573 in the Taurus Molecular Cloud, August 23rd, 2022
- Procyon and Gomeisa - Canis Minor, August 23rd, 2022
- Arcturus reprocess, August 23rd, 2022
- Tarazed and Barnard's "E", August 19th, 2022
- M31 - The Great Spiral Galaxy in Andromeda, August 4th, 2022
- Arcturus 2013, July 15th, 2022
- NGC1817, July 1st, 2022
- Carbon Star SAO77516 - Y Tauri, July 1st, 2022
- Mu Cephei - the Garnet Star, July 1st, 2022
- M44 the Beehive Cluster, June 27th, 2022
- M106 and Friends, June 27th, 2022
- Coddington's Nebula, June 21st, 2022
- V509 Cassiopeiae, June 21st, 2022
- The Merak Region in Ursa Major, June 21st, 2022
- Rho Leonis, June 21st, 2022
- Aldebaran with Ring Flare, June 5th, 2022
- Spica - The Brightest Bluest Star in the Sky, June 5th, 2022
- Arcturus and Napoleon's Hat, June 5th, 2022
- Epsilon Cassiopeiae and Greg's Lambda, June 5th, 2022
- Kemble's Cascade, June 3rd, 2022
- Aldebaran - the Eye of the Bull, June 2nd, 2022
- Rosette Nebula Reprocess, May 31st, 2022
- Carbon Star T Cancri, May 31st, 2022
- Bright Blue Star Delta Persei, May 30th, 2022
- Carbon Stars U Cygni (Left) and SV Cygni (Right), May 30th, 2022
- Bright Star Caph in Cassiopeia, May 30th, 2022
- Cadwell 3 - a Barred Spiral Galaxy in Draco, May 30th, 2022
- NGC3842 Galaxy Cluster Region in Leo, May 30th, 2022
- The Mighty Merak in Ursa Major, May 30th, 2022
- The Heart Nebula - reprocess, May 26th, 2022
- NGC6914 - A Tiny Patch of Blue in a Sea of Red, May 23rd, 2022
- M45 - The Pleiades - 27-hours of data on the Sky90 array, May 19th, 2022
- 10 and a half hours on IC348 with the Sky90 array, May 18th, 2022
- 21-hours of 40 and 20-minute subs on M45 - The Pleiades, May 18th, 2022
- U Cygni (SAO49477) Carbon Star, May 18th, 2022
- Gomeisa (3-Beta Canis Minoris), May 18th, 2022
- Mizar & Alcor in Ursa Major, May 18th, 2022
- Hind's Variable nebula - uncropped, May 16th, 2022
- Messier 105 Region in Leo, May 15th, 2022
- Bright Blue Star Delta Persei, May 15th, 2022
- Hind's Variable Nebula, May 15th, 2022
- The Broken Engagement Ring in Ursa Major, May 15th, 2022
- The Sky90 array is now fully operational, May 6th, 2022
- MiniWASP major upgrade 17/02/2022, February 17th, 2022
- Struve's Lost Nebula, December 24th, 2021
- V1331 in Cygnus captured by the Sky90 array., November 18th, 2021
- The Milky Way up Close and Personal: The Stars Like Dust, November 10th, 2021
- Out until 3:00 a.m. last night - the joy of astrophotography., November 5th, 2021
- The Double Cluster in perspective, March 27th, 2020
- The Perseus Double Cluster - YET AGAIN!!, March 25th, 2020
- NGC 7822, March 25th, 2020
- M101 in perspective, March 25th, 2020
- That was a bit unexpected!, January 18th, 2020
- Just a reminder, January 15th, 2020
- Coddington's nebula, March 28th, 2019
- Greg's "3" asterism in Leo, March 23rd, 2019
- M44 region with the Canon 200mm prime lenses from last night, February 28th, 2019
- January 2019 - Image of the Month, January 2nd, 2019
- Pleiades - superdeep, December 17th, 2018
- Procyon and Gomeisa, December 17th, 2018
- Sky90 array image of M31 the Andromeda galaxy, December 17th, 2018
- Vega plus two Carbon stars, December 17th, 2018
- The Double Cluster and Stock 2 in wide-field, December 17th, 2018
- The CTB1 region in Cassiopeia, December 17th, 2018
- The Caph region in Cassiopeia, December 17th, 2018
- Astronomy Picture of the Day APOD, December 17th, 2018
- The Veil nebula in wide-field, December 17th, 2018
- NGC 7209 in Lacerta, December 17th, 2018
- MiniWASP article, July 14th, 2018
- Cocoon nebula region, July 3rd, 2018
- The NGC6914 reflection nebula region in Cygnus, June 14th, 2018
- The IC2087 region in Taurus showing the Taurus molecular clouds, June 4th, 2018
- A dense galaxy cluster just south east of Arcturus, May 8th, 2018
- Ceres, February 24th, 2018
- Alcor & Mizar, February 23rd, 2018
- Gomeisa or Beta Canis Majoris, February 16th, 2018
- A nice imaging run with the Sky 90 array last night., February 14th, 2018
- Bubble nebula region from last night, February 10th, 2018
- Asteroid 8 Flora plus an unknown, January 20th, 2018
- The Belt of Orion, January 10th, 2018
- NGC1999 region from 15/12/2017, December 16th, 2017
- First "proper" image of the season - IC348 in Perseus, December 12th, 2017
- A Mega-Deep M45 Image, September 26th, 2017
- Taurus Molecular Clouds, June 13th, 2017
- Arcturus, June 13th, 2017
- Asteroid JO25 2014 captured on the miniWASP 200mm Canon prime lenses, April 24th, 2017
- Asteroid JO25 2014, April 20th, 2017
- Asteroids in Leo from last night, March 26th, 2017
- Widefield Gomeisa region with the 200mm lenses, March 25th, 2017
- Procyon & Gomeisa, March 25th, 2017
- Gomeisa from 23rd February 2017, March 23rd, 2017
- Procyon region from 22/03/2017, March 23rd, 2017
- The Current Status of the Mini-WASP Array at the New Forest Observatory, January 24th, 2017
- M45 - Noel Carboni process, January 22nd, 2017
- Composited M45, January 21st, 2017
- Deeeeeep M45, January 21st, 2017
- Hind's Variable nebula, January 20th, 2017
- Taurus molecular cloud 2-framer, December 31st, 2016
- Taurus molecular clouds, December 31st, 2016
- Aldebaran and the Hyades, December 3rd, 2016
- The Full Monty, December 2nd, 2016
- Composite of the IC2087 region, December 1st, 2016
- December 2016 Deep-Sky Image of the Month, December 1st, 2016
- 17 hours on the NGC6914 region in Cygnus, November 9th, 2016
- The Double Cluster - yet again, November 8th, 2016
- The NGC6914 region in Cygnus, November 5th, 2016
- Sadr one and a half framer, November 4th, 2016
- New Forest Observatory - Image of the Month, November 4th, 2016
- Oriented and re-processed NA/Pelican, October 23rd, 2016
- Sadr region with the Canon 200mm array, October 23rd, 2016
- Last night's effort with the Canon 200mm lens array, October 23rd, 2016
- Image of the Month, October 4th, 2016
- From the Gamma Cass nebula to PacMan, August 31st, 2016
- The Canon 200mm prime lens does the Perseus Double Cluster, August 31st, 2016
- Central Lyra with the Canon 200mm prime lenses, August 27th, 2016
- A rich star field in Lacerta - with a bonus object, August 9th, 2016
- Test shot on the Sky 90 array, August 8th, 2016
- Noel Carboni process of the California nebula data, July 23rd, 2016
- The California nebula, June 30th, 2016
- The Caldwell 3 region in Draco, May 5th, 2016
- Pazmino's Cluster, April 11th, 2016
- La Superba, April 11th, 2016
- Kemble's Cascade - Akira Fujii-effect version, April 11th, 2016
- NGC3842 region in Leo, April 11th, 2016
- Rho Leonis - a very blue star, March 18th, 2016
- Mighty Merak, March 18th, 2016
- Stargate, March 15th, 2016
- Carbon star T Cancri with the mini-WASP array, March 15th, 2016
- La Superba Akira Fujii effect only, March 15th, 2016
- La Superba region with the 200mm Canon prime lenses, March 14th, 2016
- The Carbon stars of Kemble's Cascade, March 12th, 2016
- M44 - The Beehive cluster - in perspective, March 8th, 2016
- Polaris and the Integrated Flux Nebula, February 27th, 2016
- The Canon 200mm lenses and M26C OSC CCDs do the Twins, February 11th, 2016
- The Definitive Rosette nebula from the MegaWASP array, February 6th, 2016
- Caph region - brighter version, January 23rd, 2016
- The Caph region in Cassiopeia, January 23rd, 2016
- The Ruchbah region with the Canon 200mm lenses, January 20th, 2016
- IC2087 region, January 15th, 2016
- Twin Domes at the New Forest Observatory, January 9th, 2016
- Aldebaran, the Hyades & NGC1647, January 4th, 2016
- Unknown object near Aldebaran, December 12th, 2015
- Aldebaran 2-framer, December 9th, 2015
- Sulafat & Sheliak in Lyra, October 3rd, 2015
- V1331 Cygni region second dataset, October 2nd, 2015
- V1331 Cygni region, October 1st, 2015
- The MegaWASP array does a Kemble's Cascade 4-framer, September 23rd, 2015
- The Sky 90 array does the M57 region, September 22nd, 2015
- Deep-Sky Image of the Month for September 2015, September 16th, 2015
- Carbon star W Cassiopeiae, September 12th, 2015
- Epsilon Cassiopeiae region, September 12th, 2015
- The Mega-WASP array does Barnard's "E", September 7th, 2015
- The Double Cluster & Stock 2 with the Canon 200mm prime lens, August 28th, 2015
- The megaWASP array does Kemble's Cascade, August 16th, 2015
- The North America and Pelican nebulae Mega-WASPed, August 9th, 2015
- The MegaWASP array does the Crescent region in Cygnus, July 10th, 2015
- North America nebula region with the Canon 200mm lens, June 19th, 2015
- Astronomical Images on Flickr, June 14th, 2015
- The megaWASP array does Arcturus, June 5th, 2015
- CCDInspector result, May 27th, 2015
- R Coronae Borealis, May 27th, 2015
- Almost set up, May 21st, 2015
- The latest incarnation of "The Beast", May 7th, 2015
- X Cancri - Carbon star, May 6th, 2015
- The New Forest Observatory 05/05/2015 at 2:00 p.m., May 5th, 2015
- The mega-WASP upgrade has been completed, May 1st, 2015
- The mini-WASP array has now morphed into the mega-WASP array, April 29th, 2015
- Pac Man nebula reloaded, April 26th, 2015
- Polaris with the mini-WASP array, April 20th, 2015
- 13 Messier objects in one image, April 15th, 2015
- Work in progress - the whole of the Virgo/Coma galaxy cluster, April 13th, 2015
- Dyson Sphere around Polaris, April 13th, 2015
- The Virgo/Coma galaxy cluster region with the Canon 200mm f#1.8 lens, March 27th, 2015
- La Superba from 22/03/2015, March 23rd, 2015
- The Merak region in Ursa Major, March 9th, 2015
- Coddington's nebula & V Y Ursae Majoris, February 27th, 2015
- Gemini central, February 24th, 2015
- And here's the M106 image from last night's session, February 17th, 2015
- An extremely rare clear Moonless night last night 🙂, February 17th, 2015
- Carbon star SAO 77516, January 25th, 2015
- C W Leonis with insert, January 25th, 2015
- C W Leonis or IRC +10216, January 23rd, 2015
- Astronomy Now article on the mini-WASP array, January 21st, 2015
- Comet Lovejoy C/2014 Q2, January 19th, 2015
- NGC 1817 an open cluster in Taurus, January 19th, 2015
- 200mm NAN 30.12.2014, December 31st, 2014
- Canon 200mm lens images the Rose, December 30th, 2014
- Mini-WASP test shot on the Rosette nebula, December 30th, 2014
- The mini-WASP array does the T Tauri region, December 29th, 2014
- The mini-WASP array does the California nebula, December 28th, 2014
- The mini-WASP array does Aldebaran and the Hyades region, December 28th, 2014
- The mini-WASP array does the Northern Cone region, December 21st, 2014
- 5 hours imaging with the mini-WASP array, December 15th, 2014
- Carbon star VX Andromedae, November 25th, 2014
- The mini-WASP does the business on 23/11/2014, November 24th, 2014
- Mirach and "Ghost" in Andromeda from the mini-WASP array, November 21st, 2014
- The latest incarnation of the mini-WASP array 2014, November 19th, 2014
- Second light for the mini-WASP array, November 1st, 2014
- First light for the 3 x Sky 90 mini-WASP imaging array, October 29th, 2014
- Statrep on the mini-WASP array, October 12th, 2014
- UY Andromedae a Carbon star in Andromeda, October 6th, 2014
- Gamma Cassiopeiae and Navi region , October 6th, 2014
- The mini-WASP array does the PacMan nebula and Schedar, October 6th, 2014
- Another mini-WASP upgrade, October 1st, 2014
- Comet Jacques c/2014 E2 from 22/08/2014, August 25th, 2014
- Mini-WASP upgrade number 2 for June 2014, June 28th, 2014
- Upgrade of the week for the mini-WASP array, June 25th, 2014
- Statrep for the second Canon 200mm prime lens, May 16th, 2014
- What a clever chap!!, May 13th, 2014
- Mini-WASP array statrep May 2014, May 5th, 2014
- The new autofocuser for the Canon 200mm prime lens, May 4th, 2014
- New goodies from Tom How arrived today, May 1st, 2014
- Carbon star V623 Cassiopeiae, April 30th, 2014
- The current status of the mini-WASP array, January 28th, 2014
- The big 3, December 3rd, 2013
- Carbon star SAO 21002 NW of Caph and emission nebula SH2-168, September 5th, 2013
- Last night's mini-WASP imaging session, September 3rd, 2013
- It's a clear Moonless night, September 3rd, 2013
- The story so far - SAO 84015, August 11th, 2013
- The mini-WASP array captures globular cluster M10 in Ophiucus on 09/07/2013, July 20th, 2013
- The mini-WASP array captures the NGC663 region in Cassiopeia, July 20th, 2013
- Made in Heaven, July 19th, 2013
- Two Carbon stars in Sagitta, July 19th, 2013
- M11 in the Scutum star cloud all 3 data sets, July 10th, 2013
- The mini-WASP arrays grabs Carbon star V Aquilae, July 9th, 2013
- Hyperstar III deep 2-framer of the Tulip nebula region in Cygnus, July 8th, 2013
- The mini-WASP array grabs M11 in the Scutum star cloud, July 8th, 2013
- The Stars Like Dust, July 7th, 2013
- The NGC 6871 region of Cygnus with the Sky 90 and M26C, July 6th, 2013
- Clear night - no Moon, July 5th, 2013
- 2 Carbon stars and nebulosity in Cygnus, June 14th, 2013
- NGC 6791 and Carbon star U Lyrae in the constellation Lyra, June 7th, 2013
- A beautiful pair of Carbon stars in Lyra, June 6th, 2013
- The Navigator's companion, April 27th, 2013
- Greg's "3" asterism in Leo , April 13th, 2013
- The Coathanger Cluster, March 29th, 2013
- You will be assimilated, March 12th, 2013
- Tania Australis image - Noel Carboni process, March 7th, 2013
- Tania Australis and NGC3184 in Ursa Major, March 5th, 2013
- Abell 1377 in Ursa Major, February 21st, 2013
- The mini-WASP configuration 17/02/2013, February 17th, 2013
- Mini-WASP array bolt on goody, February 17th, 2013
- Asteroid 2012 DA14, February 16th, 2013
- The Meissa region in the head of Orion, February 12th, 2013
- Carbon star 4-Omicron 1 Orionis, February 12th, 2013
- Orion finder/guider scope fitted to the mini-WASP array, February 10th, 2013
- A tad annoying, February 10th, 2013
- The mini-WASP array does Meissa, February 8th, 2013
- Vega (Alpha Lyrae) - brightest star in Lyra, February 1st, 2013
- A Ring between two Diamonds, February 1st, 2013
- This afternoon I fixed a fault with the Paramount ME myself., January 22nd, 2013
- Hind's Crimson Star, January 20th, 2013
- New Forest Observatory this morning, January 18th, 2013
- Robofocus units fitted to the TS 80mm triplet APOs, January 15th, 2013
- Beautiful blue Bellatrix, January 9th, 2013
- A New Year's Day treat - Sirius 2-framer, January 3rd, 2013
- Saiph in Orion, December 12th, 2012
- The brightest star in the Sky - SIRIUS, December 12th, 2012
- The mini-WASP array roars!, December 6th, 2012
- Noel Carboni process of the Mu Cephei mini-WASP dataset, December 5th, 2012
- Mu Cephei - the Garnet star in Cepheus., December 4th, 2012
- The mini-WASP array is fully functional 🙂, November 30th, 2012
- The Coathanger cluster in Vulpecula courtesy of the mini-WASP array, November 16th, 2012
- The Double Cluster and the Stock 2 open cluster in Perseus, November 12th, 2012
- Star field in Perseus, November 10th, 2012
- Flattening the M26C APS-sized chip with a Takahashi collimator, October 29th, 2012
- Greg's Charm Bracelet - the Double Cluster in Perseus is the "charm", October 22nd, 2012
- Hyperstar III and mini-WASP array images from the same night., October 21st, 2012
- The latest images from the mini-WASP array, October 16th, 2012
- A clear night 🙂, October 15th, 2012
- The mini-WASP is up and running - of course it is a full Moon tonight!, September 29th, 2012
- I call it Plug City, September 20th, 2012
- mini-WASP now fully populated and ready to go 🙂, September 17th, 2012
- Ruchbah region with the TS 80mm triplet APO and a Sky 90 refractor, September 16th, 2012
- Ruchbah region with the TS 80 and no hot pixels, September 15th, 2012
- The mini-WASP array spaghetti junction, September 12th, 2012
- Ruchbah region test shot with the TS 80, September 10th, 2012
- TS 80mm triplet APO refractor - first impressions, September 10th, 2012
- Robofocus - unbelievable service!, September 3rd, 2012
- Images for fully-populated mini-WASP array, August 30th, 2012
- The third and final (?) imaging system has been fitted to the mini-WASP array, August 30th, 2012
- Update on Tom How's superb synchronisation program (ssp), August 28th, 2012
- Hyperstar reunited with the M25C, August 28th, 2012
- A third imaging system for the mini-WASP array is being prepared, August 27th, 2012
- The mini-WASP continues to fight back - this is now getting personal!, August 20th, 2012
- See and hear the mini-WASP in action, August 14th, 2012
- Vega region - 3.26 x 4.24 degrees, both M26C cameras - mini-WASP array, August 4th, 2012
- Kappa Cassiopeia with NGC 146 and NGC 133, July 30th, 2012
- Further adventures with the mini-WASP array, July 29th, 2012
- Downloaded PEMPro from CCDWare for 60-day free evaluation, June 13th, 2012
- Little steps, June 4th, 2012
- Vega - mini-WASP test shot, May 30th, 2012
- Re-collimation of second imaging Sky 90 successful 🙂, May 30th, 2012
- Deneb region using one scope and camera on the mini-WASP array, May 29th, 2012
- Statrep mini-WASP array, May 29th, 2012
- M57 region camera 2 mini-WASP array 26/05/2012, May 27th, 2012
- The New Forest Observatory control room, May 27th, 2012
- Mini-WASP statrep 23/05/2012, May 23rd, 2012
- Vega from the mini-WASP array, May 17th, 2012
- mini-WASP pier extender fitted, April 24th, 2012
- The never ending collimation problem, April 16th, 2012
- Sky 90 collimation statrep, April 15th, 2012
- Takahashi collimator delivered - mini-WASP fine-tuning good to go, April 14th, 2012
- Flaming Star nebula - composite image, March 13th, 2012
- The ED-100 quintuplet refractor does the Flaming Star nebula in Auriga, March 13th, 2012
- First Light for the Sky-Watcher Esprit ED-100 quintuplet refractor, March 12th, 2012
- The Sky-Watcher Esprit ED-100 quintuplet is loaded and ready to go!, March 11th, 2012
- Pointer Star Dubhe in the constellation Ursa Major, February 3rd, 2012
- Reprocess and crop to the Double Cluster and Stock 2, January 29th, 2012
- Double cluster and Stock 2 reprocess, January 29th, 2012
- Double Cluster sans spikes, January 5th, 2012
- This is precisely the sort of image the mini-WASP array was designed to capture!, January 4th, 2012
- Some earlier Stock 2 data added to the mini-WASP Double Cluster image, January 3rd, 2012
- Double Cluster from the mini-WASP array just before grabbing the lunar halo image, January 3rd, 2012
- Bellatrix, Polaris and Pollux re-loaded, January 2nd, 2012
- California nebula reprocess, December 30th, 2011
- The Cone nebula - a mini-WASP single framer, December 29th, 2011
- The mini-WASP imager is now fully operational, December 29th, 2011
- Pollux, December 24th, 2011
- Polaris, December 24th, 2011
- Bellatrix, December 24th, 2011
- Getting there - very, very slowly!, December 23rd, 2011
- Robofocus brackets completed, December 6th, 2011
- New Robofocus brackets, December 5th, 2011
- Aldebaran - correct orientation, November 23rd, 2011
- The eye of the Bull, November 23rd, 2011
- Icy Dock 8Tb storage solution for the mini-WASP data, October 26th, 2011
- Ruchbah and M103 in Cassiopeia - the forgotten data, October 3rd, 2011
- NGC7000 - the North America nebula - definitive issue!, October 2nd, 2011
- No added contrast or saturation, September 30th, 2011
- NGC7000 reprocessed, September 30th, 2011
- Well even with one wonky scope the mini-WASP can sure deliver the goods 🙂, September 30th, 2011
- The mini-WASP array - one step forward and three steps back., September 30th, 2011
- Momentous day today - the first (almost proper) 2-framer to come out of the mini-WASP array 🙂, September 29th, 2011
- It's 1:30 a.m. and I've finally set up the mini-WASP array 🙂, September 29th, 2011
- Parallel imaging - what the new mini-WASP array was originally designed for., September 6th, 2011
- Second Light on the NFO mini-WASP array, August 31st, 2011
- Mini-WASP "First Light" party at the New Forest Observatory 21/08/2011, August 27th, 2011
- New warm room for the mini-WASP?, August 20th, 2011
- Michael Hattey of Starlight Xpress brings the tested M26C down to the NFO - with Maglev fans for both cameras, August 10th, 2011
- The usual superbly efficient customer service from Starlight Xpress, August 9th, 2011
- First Light for the mini-WASP project - the Gamma Cygni region, August 7th, 2011
- First Light for the mini-WASP array Saturday night and Sunday morning:, August 7th, 2011
- Tom How's Patented dome rotation system 🙂, August 6th, 2011
- Blistering hot day here at the NFOs, August 3rd, 2011
- Cable mis-management, July 31st, 2011
- Thank you Tom How 🙂, July 29th, 2011
- View from the top - mini-WASP statrep 22/07/2011, July 22nd, 2011
- Statrep - mini-WASP array build, July 21st, 2011
- The mini-WASP array - over 4 years now and still counting, July 18th, 2011
- Twin Kecks at the New Forest Observatory, July 17th, 2011
- The mini-WASP array is now domed 🙂, July 16th, 2011
- Further progress today, July 15th, 2011
- mini-WASP observatory flooring completed today, July 14th, 2011
- The full Monty, July 12th, 2011
- The new Pulsar Observatories dome has just been installed 🙂, July 12th, 2011
- The mini-WASP array with three Sky 90s attached, July 11th, 2011
- Demi-Mini-WASP dry-run in the study, July 10th, 2011
- Computer networking masterclass courtesy of Tom How, July 9th, 2011
- The Starlight Xpress goodie bag arrived today!, July 7th, 2011
- The mini-WASP decking has been treated - dome due for delivery next week 🙂, June 30th, 2011
- The New Forest Observatory "Keck" facility, June 10th, 2011
- The all Aluminium pier is fitted, June 10th, 2011
- The decking is completed - now awaiting the Pulsar Observatories dome 🙂, June 8th, 2011
- It begins! The octagonal decking for the mini-WASP observatory goes down today 🙂, June 8th, 2011
- mini-WASP array project - the deck build, May 23rd, 2011
- Starlight Xpress Ltd sponsors the mini-WASP array, May 6th, 2011
- The Baader narrowband filter sets, April 30th, 2011
- Ian King Imaging sponsors the mini-WASP project 🙂, April 30th, 2011
- Concrete pillar support completed - with a lot of help from Tom How, April 16th, 2011
- The mixer and all the goodies arrived this morning 🙂, April 15th, 2011
- Kieron sponsors the mini-WASP array - again 🙂, April 12th, 2011
- The never ending hole digging saga continuums, April 9th, 2011
- It always begins with digging a hole 🙂, April 7th, 2011
- mini-WASP array - project sponsors, February 14th, 2011
- The mini-WASP array 2011, February 12th, 2011
- A video clip of the Paramount ME in action., November 9th, 2010
- Now the Paramount is in the study as well as the pier., November 9th, 2010
- The all-Aluminium pier for the Paramount and mini-WASP array, November 8th, 2010
- First video diary entry for the new mini-WASP imaging array, November 6th, 2010
- Slight change of plan, October 16th, 2010
- Another component for next year's mini-WASP array launch, October 15th, 2010
- mini-WASP, the latest, September 7th, 2010
- Not been able to set up the repaired M25C, August 21st, 2010
- The mini-WASP array - one step closer, April 3rd, 2010
- mini-WASP update, March 19th, 2010
- mini-WASP array and Brian May's new book, November 29th, 2009
- O.K. so I couldn't wait until tomorrow:, November 27th, 2009
- Current status of the mini-WASP array November 2009, November 27th, 2009
- The mini-WASP array project - statrep, November 21st, 2009
- Computational solution?, November 13th, 2009
- mini-WASP array - computational matters, November 7th, 2009
- It's now 2:30 p.m. and the Paramount is unpacked!, November 3rd, 2009
- It's 1:30 p.m. and the Paramount arrives at the NFO!!!, November 3rd, 2009
- A brand new Paramount ME is on its way to the New Forest Observatory, October 29th, 2009
- Statrep on the mini-WASP deep-sky imaging array, October 22nd, 2009
- Update on the mini-WASP deep-sky imaging array, December 23rd, 2008
- The mini-WASP array morphs into the NIP, November 6th, 2008
- mini-WASP Array Project - Part 3 - The Framework , December 8th, 2007
- mini-WASP Array Project - Part 2 - A Likely Solution, August 7th, 2007
- mini-WASP Array Project - Part 1 - The Problem, August 2nd, 2007
- mini-WASP Array Project, July 10th, 2007
I hope you’ll keep reading as I learn about what is needed and my experiences of putting together such an exciting piece of equipment.